Imaging Center Billing Services
To accommodate the particular requirements of your imaging facility, The sure ways solutions offers a wide range of services. You may now rely on a single radiology medical billing business for services like patient engagement, electronic health record/electronic medical record (EHR/EMR) technology, accounts receivable recovery, revenue cycle management (RCM), and RCM.
The processing of daily claims, accurate imaging billing, and coding, as well as diligent follow-up on all denials, are essential. The qualified radiology billing specialists at The sure ways solution are also familiar with the particular coding and billing specifications for mobile imaging, radiology, and free-standing imaging.
Billing Expertise for Contemporary Radiology Services
Radiology is a rapidly evolving field, and The sure ways solutions’s qualified coders offer the knowledge necessary to accurately code and submit claims in order to receive the highest possible reimbursements. Our billing firm assists laboratories in increasing profitability by streamlining the claim filing and cash flow processes.
Complex Coding Resulted from New Technologies
Because there are so many modern technology and treatments involved, coding for radiology clinics and diagnostic imaging facilities is challenging. With The sure ways solution’s radiology billing services, you can be certain that you’ll get paid for the time and care you’ve spent on patients for both technical and professional components. Many claims are refused owing to incorrect modifiers utilized with CPT codes. Coding is made more difficult by free-standing imaging facilities, mobile imaging (such ultrasound and x-ray), and free-standing radiological equipment. These are the kinds of particulars that the best billing businesses regularly handle to make your RCM method simpler.